Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day- One step at a time

Today is Earth Day.
A day to rejoice in this gift, this home, this sanctuary we call Earth.
There are so many ways to celebrate this holiday and for our family it usually comes with the embarking of a new step into simplicity.
I have always raised an eyebrow to the newest big money market of "green products" but I am willing to contend that if nothing else these products are a happy compromise to those "less crunchy".
Over the past few years our family has truly made strides in bettering our health and our impact on the planet. While we are not perfect by any means and do not employ a 100% all the time approach, I feel proud to say that we have made a little headway in these areas...

Inspired by a Momma in Florida who just asked us to do this one thing.
The very little plastic we still have in the kitchen takes its form in yogurt containers and other reusable storage. We've also been known to turn a milk carton into a flower bed, and toilet paper tubes into seed starters.

Using cloth instead of Paper Towels-
A truly radical idea when I first saw this in action, and really only started out as an experiment. We have been paper towel free now for over a two years.

This has taken a couple of forms for us, the latest being the worms!

Making laundry soap-
Not only is it cheaper (which is usually my initial reason for choosing a path), but all the containers are recyclable as well. I am also looking into soap nuts as another option

Home-made Food
Not only does it taste better, but sooo much less packaging to deal with. With online forums today like All and the free resource in the Library, there's no excuse not to have the know how to make at least one decent meal a week.

We buy local and handmade whenever we can-
Cutting down on the carbon foot print of goods and services while supporting our local economy just seems like the right thing to do. This even includes consignment shopping.

All of these steps came of their own time and need. Many were simply the result of a budget stressed Momma just trying to stretch a dollar.

This year we are looking to take another step. Into nature. I want us to get out and experience this world a little more, be it camping and hiking, or pulling a blanket outside and examining what's in the grass, I want us to take it all in.
I figure, "What's the point of hammering all this conservation stuff into our heads if we don't get out and enjoy what we are saving?"
It is very easy with the accommodations of today to sit inside and be amused, learn, and even play, but we are missing so much by just not stepping outside our four walls.
I have no grand "plan" to accomplish this other than to take as many morning walks as I can with my kids. We are already loving the thrill of new growth sightings all around us and I can't wait to see how our passion for our planet grows by just getting outside.

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