Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Not So fat Tuesday...

This week was rough. Poor planning on my part meant poor food choices, giving into temptation and emotional eating. Finally braved the Dr's office to figure out some girly issues and she told me she wants to definitely test me for PCOS and at the least suspects I am insulin resistant. This accounts for the struggle with weight gain, acne, girly issues etc. At first I was excited to have some clue of an answer. That I had a base to start from. Then I went home and looked up the "diabetic diet" she suggested I put myself on. Ugh. That's all I can say.
And how did I react to this news? Horribly. Stuffing my face with all kinds of goodies I assume I will never be able to have again (you know because NO ONE can start a diet until Monday.... that's not a holiday).

So when I got on the scale I knew it was going to be bad but was shocked at HOW bad. Like 5 lbs bad!! Ugh. Depression, sadness, crawl back in the covers and cry. Thankfully I decided to go ahead and read for my Bible in 90Days requirements before crawling under the covers. Today started Joshua, and right there in Joshua 1:9 it was...
"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go."

So to take a line from Chicken Little, "Today is a new day." I may have new obstacles but I will be able to learn through this and gain the health I am in desperate need of. It will be hard and obviously more trying than I thought but I am up for the challenge. I won't be hoping on the scales for 2 weeks as I learn the do's and don'ts of this new regime but bee back here as normal on Tuesdays to document any changes in the way I feel or look (I'm hoping for some clearer skin cause right now I look like a 12 year old).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yey for answers--boo to restrictions!!! And your response is *exactly* what I would have done....down to the "it has to be a Monday, not a holiday" part. Haha! Hang in there girly, you're doing great and will do great!!!

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