Tuesday, October 5, 2010


With this being the first week of October I wanted to put down my goals for us with Homeschool for the month. My weekly wrapups only capture a small fraction of what gets accomplished, but I also know I am no where near as organized as I could be about things. So here it is in an attempt to keep me on track.

Math- We will continue to work through our workbooks and begin to incorporate some Math and Literature Lessons by Marilyn Burns

Science- Finish up our work with Birds focusing on differences in Male/Female, sounds, nests, and egg differences- Continue our Mealworm experiment- Begin Trees?

Reading/ Spelling- Continue to work through Progressive Phonics and use the words featured there as our spelling words

Literature- Tall Tales- focusing on requirements for Boy Scouts and writing own Tall Tale

History- Columbus, A TINY focus on the Salem Witch Trials, and the History of Halloween

Geography-We will begin to learn the 50 states. My goal is to hit one state a week. I think this might be accomplished during Library time for Hazel but I am not sure

Handwork- I want to cook a lot more with the kids, but as it lends itself natural to our family's day. There has been talk of making candles, more finger knitting, and huge requests for more painting.

Calendar Time- We will continue this as is ( I know I promised a post.. its coming this week) with the addition of some songs and recitations as I feel we are ready.

Bible- We will continue using our themed lessons each week and our memory verse.

Of course most of this is geared directly for Jakob, but Hazel joins in as she feels like it.
My focus for her this month is to continue her Ballet classes, Library Story time once a week, working with here puzzles and games as she sees fit and to complete one gift for a grandparent for Christmas.

I am so glad I put all of this down! I think this is plenty for us for a month (what's left) especially since Granny will be coming to visit in 9 short days!! YAY!! Any suggestions or tweaks you see needed are definitely welcome!!

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