The Theme this week is "10 Random Questions"
Ha! That's right up my alley! My whole life is RANDOM!!!
1. What time is it right now? 9:06 AM
2. What are you wearing? Workout clothes (trying to be optimistic here)
3. What is your mood? Muddled... not a morning person
4. What is one thing your children learned today? So far? That Red Paisley and Baby Poo Green Shirts will not get you out of the door in this house!
5. What did you (or are having) for dinner? last night? Sweet Potato Pizza!!
6. What's one book you are currently reading? The Big Picture: Education is Everybody's Business
7. What behaviour (in people) is the most common but also the rudest? Manipulation
8. What can you see out of your nearest window right now? My front yard
9. What are you currently praying for? The strength to say what needs to be said and not to say what doesn't
10. What is your favourite hot beverage? Coffee!
I want that recipe! That sounds so interesting! Please post details!
ah..I am not a morning person either. My husband after seven years finally realized it:)lol
Melissa- I got it from another blog. Go here,
My pictures didn't turn out too well.
That recipe sounds so interesting and the it caught my eye. Sweet Potatoe Pizza! I agree please share!
Hi, nice to get to learn a little more about you each week! Have a great week! :)
The recipe sounds delicious. I was wondering if you found the Marscarpone cheese or if you used the cream cheese/sour cream substitution. Thanks for the link.
Mornings didn't used to be that bad for me. This pregnancy has been wearing me out though and we usually do our best lesson time after dinner as I can't get around in the mornings.
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