Monday, March 22, 2010

Home School Blog Hop

This week's Home School Blog Hop Topic is about State Requirements.

In the State of Florida we have it pretty easy. Basically you fill out their home school form and submit it. Have the child evaluated at the end of each year by a certified teacher, psychological review, private testing, or state testing. There is a request that samples of work be kept for up to three years, but that is not really required especially if you are going to have your child tested.

That's it. Pretty awesome especially for beginner home schooling families as this gives you the freedom to find what works for your crew and what doesn't.

Now we are moving in May to Rhode Island and that's a different story. From what I can gather, one must submit the letter of intent for home school, keep a record of at least 180 days, teach reading, writing, arithmetic, geography, civics, health/PE, and English. The student must be registered by age 6, there are no parental education requirements, and the student must be evaluated each year by a method of choice of the parents.

I have no idea how strict these laws are adhered to as we are not there yet. But it does seem that this state will make an organized woman out of me yet! What a change! I looked up all of my information through the Rhode Island Department of Education, the HSLDA, and other Home school groups I found by a simple Google search earlier this week.

I don't think these requirements are extreme although I do prefer Florida's methods for their simplicity. Happy Hopping!!

MckLinky Blog Hop


Debbie said...

Thank you for sharing! It is interesting how different states approach homeschoolers!

Riceball Artist said...

Thanks for sharing. We're going to be moving to Florida in the next few years, and it's good to know what requirements we'll have when we move. It looks a lot like the requirements that Maryland has, so it will be an easy transition.

Caz said...

EEK, hope RI turns out to be more easily navigated than it sounds! Florida seems like a sweet deal for homeschoolers :D

Pebblekeeper ~ Angie said...

Have you checked out the Homeschool Tracker? It is a free download. You can put in your subjects, then hit copy, and click the days of the week to project out a schedule, or sometimes, I go backward and fill in what they had done. In Oregon, we do not need it, but for other states, and older grades, it prints out a nice report card and transcript. :) It might help to have a free easy place to keep track other than google calendar or excel. :)

Lori said...

I am thankful that in Viginia we do not have to keep any records under the option that we choose. It makes life simple!

legendswife said...

Wow, that's cool. I keep my boys' work in a box and pull it out at the end of June for family to look at.

The Fambros said...

I will definitely have to check out Homeschool Tracker. That might just be the ticket!

Thanks guys I think we will be fine in RI. At this age its more of the parent being creative in the documentation than anything. I don't like to adhere to flat out curriculum and they have a law that they must lend state textbooks, so it might turn out cheaper!

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