Thursday, June 2, 2011

Summer Plans

We are officially on Summer Break here and loving every minute of it.
I don't usually plan a ton of Summer activities each year mainly because Summer is when we are unpacking in a new location. This year not excluded.
I did want to make sure and maintain a semblance of a rhythm throughout the season so that we don't go spinning off into crazy land and so that the new school year is not such a shock when it comes around again.
Our daily rhythm at this point looks somewhat like this:
Finish Chores
Garden work and walk
Morning activity
Pool/Afternoon Activity
Play til you drop.... or remember that its Dinnertime.

Again this is what I strive for each day. I have been better about Dinner than it looks like, but the kids have been playing hard and making friends with the MASSES of children in the neighborhood. They are in Heaven. And minus a few instances of playground politics this Momma is too.

Chores are a big thing in our house and Jakob has reached the point of taking on other jobs as he has handed down some of his smaller chores to Hazel. We are navigating and learning how to do them still. Hazel is excited to add a "Big Chore" a day to her list just like her brother. Momma is still trying to find her rhythm in how she wants to clean, but to be honest after two weeks of heaving boxes from one end of the state to the other, I have just done the minimum and allowed myself a little more sleep in the mornings.

Our Morning and afternoon activities are nothing fancy. Stories, Library time, crafts, and Science experiments will be our go-to here. We officially own more Science experiment books than any one family should be allowed so my hope is to explore those throughout the Summer. There are LOADS of awesome ideas floating around right now and I am bookmarking certain things, but trying to keep the rest just simple.

Hazel is still in dance so our Saturdays are filled with shuttling her there and taking turns going to the Farmer's Market (I love that my Hubby asks to go to market.... although it may be because he doesn't want to go to Ballet *wink*). We will be participating in a Reading Program, though I'm not sure which because of probable travel plans.
We are going to North Carolina in July for my dear Daddy's 50th birthday and Jakob will be visiting extended family for a while longer either before or after our trip. Because of this I don't feel the need to add any other bells and whistles to the time off.
This is plenty.

That's our Summer, lots of fun playtime and enjoying being a kid. Sounds perfect to me! Whats on your agenda this Summer? Do you like to take a slower approach or do you have certain activities that your family looks to each Summer?

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