Friday, September 17, 2010

Weekly Wrapup- Sept 13- 17th

Wow this week went by super quick and I didn't think I had so much to show for it, but apparently I did. Warning!! Picture overload!!!

One of Jakob's most favorite things to do is help in the kitchen and since I refuse to buy cereal for breakfast, (that's another story) the kids generally get their cooking in with breakfast. Today we made zucchini muffins... Finger lickin' good!
(we use ground flax seed in place of egg and applesauce instead of oil so it makes the batter totally safe)

In our Bible lessons this week. I had the kids cut out their memory verse and tape the words end to end as a fun activity. I snagged that idea from one of my favorite blogs and her section called Raising Rockstars
(this woman is great I tell ya!)

We did more watercolors this week working with yellow and red for orange and to make "fire". Jakob made some really awesome designs and was much more comfortable with the paint this week. This one is mine, I'm not sure what happened to all my pictures of his.

My mind was completely put at ease this week when this HUGE box arrived from Mike's Aunt in Wyoming. She sent both kids TONS of winter wear!
While Hazel loved playing in the box, she has been beside herself the past couple of days with her vast wardrobe choices. YAY!!

Our reading lessons this week focused on ea, ei, ey, and eigh sounds. I find it very important to work on phonics with Jakob especially because of his speech delays. I made up a little categorizing game for him out of flash cards. He matched the word to the sounds it made. Although he did very well with this we will work more in this area to familiarize him with sounds that he may not readily hear when he speaks and spells.

One of my biggest goals is to teach my children how to find information for themselves. I think Dictionary work is very overlooked in schools today and really want my kids to know how to find things. Jakob looked up all his vocab words this week and read their definitions. I chose not to have him write them down because this is a newer skill for him.

The preschool and younger age meetup group that we belong to went apple picking this week and we joined them in the fun. I am so grateful for these ladies as they have scheduled lots of fun little trips to the farms over the next few weeks. Makes my life a lot easier to have events that both kids can truly enjoy.

This has been Hazel's general attitude of late. Fun huh?

I think this apple officially made the 14th pound of apples that were picked that day. Oh but the apple butter that cooked up in my crock pot is ooooo sooo yummy.

This isn't a great picture of the sign but it says "Native" butter and sugar and sweet corn. Locally grown or produced food here is called "native". Oh the giggles I have had over these little signs on the side of the road. ;)

Jakob was thrilled that the watermelon that we got from the farmer's market was yellow inside and set about saving seeds to plant next year.

As an intro to his inventions we started building one of his erector sets this week. I was pleasantly surprised at how well he read the directions and how little coaching I had to do with him on trying again when we made mistakes. He has since put almost all of it together himself!

We are beginning a little study on life cycles. And while other schools are posting their pictures of the beautiful butterflies and ladybugs they are hatching. I earn my "Cool-Mom" badge this week by taking my kids into PetCo and buying them some Meal worms!

The experiment is really cool for the kids because they all know what the caterpillar turns into, they know what the tadpole turns into, but we have never raised a beetle! I found the experiment here.

Now there's a shot a mother can be proud of! :)
I'm linking up this week with Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers. Check her out, she's pretty cool too! Click on her button below.
Weird Unsocialized Homeschoolers


Jamie {See Jamie blog} said...

That sounds like a great/busy week! Isn't it funny how kids can be more excited about the box (if it's big enough) than whatever came in it? And your post is reminding me that I want to plan a trip soon to one of our local apple-picking farms!

Angela said...

Hazel's hair is getting long!!

Unknown said...

What a great idea with the mealworms. I love that you had them write out and cut out their Bible verses, too. I just might borrow both of those ideas! This looks like a great week!

The Fambros said...

I actually wrote out the verses beforehand. Hazel has shown very little interest in formal writing so I do this to save time.

Amy A @ Child Central Station said...

What a great week! I think we might have to try the meal worm idea. Thanks for sharing (I'm stopping by from the weekly wrap up.)

Sharla said...

What a super busy week! Apple picking is such a great fall activity. I don't know that I could stomach the mealworm experiment, but I must say that it does certainly give you the cool mom award!

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