Monday, November 21, 2011


Today the lesson was rest,
And how steam unclogs your nose best.
Our textbook was a tissue pressed against our nose,
and NO bending over lest our head explodes.
Hot tea with honey and lunch in bed,
"I'm so sorry I can't help you.", the boy said.

But today I am thankful not that you're sick,
but for the extra hugs, the stories read, and our slow deliberate
Caring, cleaning, tending, loving.
That was the lesson for today.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Gone but not forgotten

Seems to be the pattern with this blog huh? Life has been crazy busy since we moved to naval housing.
Most of the time its a good busy.
Jakob has been swimming for the novice swim team at the Y and has just this week been promoted to the competition team. His first meet is this Saturday. We are all excited to experience this. I'm sure he will do well. I mean 4 hours of swimming a week has to do something right? ;)
We also found a Scout group for Jakob and he seems to enjoy that. Thankfully Mike has been able to leave work in time to take him so that leave me an evening without leaving the house. *Bliss*

Hazel has been taking her dance classes and loving every minute of it. She really has enjoyed tap so far, but I think her first love will still be ballet for now. She has decided to read and was thrilled when I put some CVC words on the fridge with the magnets and she was able to sound them out. She sounds EVERYTHING out now. Shes not ready for my input right now,just enjoying her new skill, which I'm completely ok with. I'm ready when she's ready.

We've also been attending a local Homeschool Co-op which has been great! The kids really love the new friends they have made and I do as well! I teach a writing course with a Keli which is nice since we don't get to catch up at all anymore now that we are both homeschooling.

Family-wise, we went to North Carolina a couple of weeks ago for my oldest baby brother's wedding. It was beautiful, and the time spent with family afterwords was blissfully stress free. Now that we are back its back to lessons, getting gifts made for Christmas, and preparing for my In Laws to come for a visit. We haven't seen them in so long, it will be great to have them while we prep for the holidays.

That's about it as far as a catch-up. I hope to post a little about our homeschool days soon, but most days we are all so tired from having fun and learning, the thought of mindfully putting a post together just doesn't sound appealing. Hope you are all having a wonderful week!

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