Here she is coloring her cover page to her alphabet book.
I found this cute Tot Book and printed it out. Since Hazel knows most of her capital letters I wanted to use this week to expose her to lowercase letters. I thought a matching game of upper to lowercase would be fun....

She had other ideas. And it really was more fun!

Here she is coloring her trees for her Tot Book...

I have been dabbling with a little Montessori style of learning for her and I really like it. I do not personally prescribe to any one method of learning, but love to pull bits and pieces from a few to fit my little learner's taste. I got the ideas for using trays here. Thanks to my Grandma for giving us some nifty patterns we were able to put these activities together with what we had at the house.
Beading with Pony Beads and Pipe Cleaners....

A matching game made out of Calendars and their corresponding thumbnails. I can't remember exactly where I found this activity, but I'm pretty sure it's somewhere on this site .

Of course the "school" would not be complete without some form of physical activity so this week she learned to tumble in the living room. Fun stuff huh?

So that was our week. Well the highlights anyways. What do you think?