Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Total Health Tuesday

So apparently I have not gotten back int o my blogging routine again have I? Opps :)
Getting back into a routine is so hard, why do we ever change our routine in the first place? This summer has been awesome, and we are already a month into our homeschool year, but throughout all of that some things have taken a back seat in the priorities department.
Namely food.
I believe that I have said it before but I seem to have such a problem keeping a watchful eye on quantity and quality of my food AND a regular exercise routine.
America truly does run on Dunkin Donuts here and I fell intot he trap of Coffee Coolattas and Mini Mart snacks just because I was tired and didn't want to be mindful.
Yes, I was logging my food in to a Calorie counter, but I would just skip that day if I had a "no-no" food.
So after much thought I decided to attack my diet like I did my workout slump.
I'm paying for it.
When I wasn't loving getting up at 5 am to sweat it out, I began to just sleep in, so I joined the Y.
I'm not loving logging my foods, so I took advantage of Weight Watchers buy 3 months get 1 free deal and signed up for the online plan.
If I pay for it. I must use it. Otherwise I will rack myself with guilt.
Both of these avenues are/will help me get back into my routine. It's not that I absolutely can't do this on my own. Just right now I won't. So I need some kind of incentive to push me along until I find my grove again.
I can tell you its working. I miss working out when I don't and have even found an early morning jogging buddy to satisfy those days where I just can't make it to the gym. Eventually it will be too cold to run with her in the morning and then I will dust off my treadmill, but until then she is helping me establish my routine.
And Rhythm.
They work.
Don't stop.
Let the momentum of your success carry you.
The food department is better too. I'm learning just HOW horrible those quick snacks are. And that just because we eat healthy most of the time, the times we don't really add up so I'm learning control when it comes to the fun stuff.

Hmm getting back into the swing of things is so hard. I hope I never stop again.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Total Health Tuesday.... More is not always better.

In my realm of health there has been little to report as far as new.
All summer long I used my membership to the Y and even recruited a couple of friends to become my running buddies.
We run the Couch to 5k program together on the treadmills which is awesome because we can all run at our own pace but still be beside one another to offer encouragement... or to yell to go faster!
While I have gotten a little faster in my runs and have been able to increase my weights for my strength training, I have not really lost any more weight or inches.
And my acne is super flared.
And that makes me frustrated.
So I went to the Dr. for my check-up and told her all about it. To which she smiled and encouraged me to keep on keeping on. Its gona be harder for me, just remember anything I do positive is working more on the inside than I know.
Words I'm grateful for, but they don't move the scale, or clear the acne, or get my insides working to make a baby.
So she put me on a diuretic to try and clear up my skin.
To which I had an allergic reaction.
As in I wanted to claw the itchy skin from my body allergic reaction. Oh and stubborn me waited over a week to go back to the Dr.
And so I was put on MORE meds for the itchies.
I have now had to devise a system for keeping up with my medication. I feel old. :(
And did you know that you can start having an allergic reaction to one thing and then continue to have an allergic reaction when it is out of your system and you have introduced something else?
Well you can. And that something else is....
And while I don't really think one thing put me over the edge, I have not taken a lot of time for me to chill and refocus lately. So I've been runnin' on empty.
Well, empty and Coffee Coolattas.
So I think my body did the only thing it could do to stop me.
Break out in huge red itchy blotches that irritate so bad I can't focus on anything else in the world period.
Yeah that ought to do it. :)
So, while some things cannot be cut back on, I have made it a necessity to critically look at all our current engagements and future ones to pare back or at least share the load with Mike or friends.
Because apparently I try to do it all myself and then hold it in when I become overwhelmed.
Who me? (insert sheepish grin)

Anything new with you? Any progress or setbacks? Sound off in the comments below!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Hello...My Name is Allison

... and I am a slacker! Boy oh Boy I did not mean to take the entire summer off blogging but once we got fairly settled into our new place our social agenda filled up quick!
The thing about coming off a hard winter and an even harder relocation adjustment is once the sun comes out again EVERYBODY wants to do SOMETHING!
We went to cookouts, swam, took swim lessons, worked out, met LOADS of people, said goodbye to a few and welcomed more into our circle of "instant family".
We read books, weathered a hurricane, lost power, cooked and caught a variety of seafood for the first time, celebrated my Dad's 50th birthday, laughed, cried, and fell into our beds each night blissfully exhausted to have finally found our "spot" in this new to us world.

We have already started back to school and are looking forward to all the cool stuff lined up. I'm so torn on how fast the summer went so we are still spending as much time outdoors as possible. But I hope to return to my "regular" blog routine soon.
Now I will leave you with some special moments from the season...

hello dinner...

Maiden voyage of "the boat".
Summer concerts mean showing off splits right?
Libraries are awesome! Look what we found!

Jakob discovered Captain America
Fun times with cousins..
Daddy turned 50
Grandma spoiled us with a trip to the nail salon

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